"Greetings from the great state of Texas! We are located in the beautiful community of Cypress, Texas just a stone's throw north of Houston. In these pages you will find a complete line of equipment and accessories for both horse and rider.
Meisterider Equestrian was founded by horse lovers for horse lovers. Horses have been in our families for several generations, and our passion for these gentle and noble animals only grows with the passage of time.
At Meisterider we aim to provide quality tack and accessories at fair prices, while delivering outstanding customer service. All associates are active riders, and we strive to learn as much as possible about the products that today's equestrians demand.
"To make a difference in our community. To be known for the highest quality customer care in the industry, while providing outstanding products that build customer and associate loyalty".
We firmly believe in giving back to our communty. We actively support the Joy Ride Center of Magnolia, Texas who's mission is "to help people with different abilities find more joy in life through equine-assisted activities and therapies". Recently, we held a used tack drive to assist them in their equipment needs. We have also donated gift certificates to raise funds in raffles benefiting the Pin Oak Charity Horse Show (www.pinoak.org), which has a long history in donating proceeds to the Ronald McDonald House of Houston, and the Texas Childrens Hospital.
We are proud to offer EXSELLE® saddles. All Exselle® saddles are built on the famous Walsall Riding Saddle Company's Ply Bond Spring Tree. This tree has set the standard of excellence for others ever since the patented system was developed more than 50 years ago. The master saddlers at Walsall devote all their expertise in fitting both horse and rider. This level of quality is seen in every saddle they produce. All EXSELLE saddles carry a 5 year limited warranty on the tree.
We also offer Saint Lourdes® saddles whose designs are unique to the industry. Built on a specially treated spring tree to prevent moisture absorption and ensure stability and durability while remaining flexible. The finest hides from their own tannery are individually selected and tanned utilizing an innovative system that protects against drying and cracking and includes antibacterial and antifungal treatment that adds years to the life of your investment. A collection designed by horsemen for horsemen; of the highest quality materials and premium leathers to make the finest products.
Equine Athletics® is the premier line of stretch hunt coats, event coats, and breeches for today's riders in men's, ladies, and EA Kid's sizes. This line also includes show shirts designed specifically for today's demanding riders.
International Riding Helmets. IRH is a family owned business that has been involved in the riding industry since the early fifties. IRH helmets are known for their safety, innovation, and sense of fashion. The founder is an original member of the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM). "Today, IRH is recognized as a premier designer and manufacturer of helmets for all riding disciplines".
Pro-Trainer® saddles and strap goods are manufactured in Europe and North America. Only the finest hand selected bridle leather is used. The saddle panels are wool flocked, or contain a proprietary wool/closed vinyl foam sandwich, which maintains its shape. Pro-Trainer bridles and strap goods are selected to match its saddles, and meet the same quality standards.
Although we are always looking to add new lines to our inventory, if you are looking for something not on this site, please let us know and we will do our best to get it for you.
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We thank you for your continued patronage.