We take your privacy very seriously. We do not share your information with anyone outside Meisterider.com, except for our payment, and or credit card merchant processors. We may collect personal information such as your contact, billing and shipping information. We do not sell or rent your personal information to third parties. We use information about you to fulfill your requests, administer various programs, provide services, and for other business purposes. We may also use the information you provide to send you marketing communications.Order with confidence, this web site uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Technology, which secures transactions between web servers and browsers. In other words, confidential information is transmitted in encrypted form, which makes it virtually impossible for outside sources to access data. Furthermore, as an additional security measure, we DO NOT store customer credit card information in our servers or databases. Our credit card merchant processor is Authorize.net, which is one of the world's leading companies in this field, also utilizing very secure encrypted data technology. |